As detailed in Part One, the Action Phase of each round is split into a series of Activations and Power Steps taken by both players, one after another.
Each player takes it in turn to make 4 Activations each in every Action Phase.
An Activation is classed as one of the following:
After each Activation has been made both players enter the Power Step.
Players take it in turns to play Power Cards to either play a ploy or apply an upgrade to one of their fighters using Glory Tokens. Players take it in turns to play Power Cards until they have run out of Power Cards in their hand, or choose to Pass.
Once a Power Step has been completed the opposing player then starts their next Activation. If all players have made 4 Activations each then the Round continues to the End Phase.
When a fighter makes a Move Action, they can move in any direction, moving into an adjacent empty hex up to a number of times equal to their Move characteristic. This is done by selecting the fighter, selecting one of the highlighted blue hexes and selecting the blue Move icon. A fighter that makes a Move Action cannot end their move action in a hex that they started in.
VERY IMPORTANT! A fighter that makes a Move Action cannot move again in that round! A Move Token will appear next to a fighter that has been moved to show that they have moved. This Move Token will disappear at the start of a new round.
A Move Token is shown by a red circle with a line through it.
In Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire Edition players can move their fighters through adjacent hexes of their choosing. This is know as waypointing and is achieved by selecting each hex in turn followed by the blue Move icon. The fighter will then follow the chosen waypointed path.
Most fighters have at least one Attack Action on their fighter card, some have two or more. Attack Actions are represented by three symbols that correspond to symbols on the dice faces (hammer, crossed-swords or spell).
Fighters can also gain new Attack Actions if they are upgraded using Upgrade Power Cards during the Power Step.
A fighter must have a valid target that is within range and line of sight to be able to make an Attack Action. All Attack Actions have the following information:
Line of sight is used to determine which other fighters each fighter can see. Fighters have line of sight in all directions – it doesn’t matter which direction the fighter is facing.
Line of sight is calculated in the game by drawing an invisible line from the hex that the fighter is stood on directly towards the target. If at any point the line is stopped by a blocked hex or goes through any incomplete hexes at the edge of the game boards, the line of sight is considered blocked and the attack cannot be made.
In the diagram above, Sanson Farstrider has line of sight to all hexes labelled A, but does not have line of sight to any hexes labelled B.
When you choose one of your fighters to make an Attack Action, the following sequence is initiated:
The Attack Action is declared by selecting the attacking fighter, selecting the red Attack Action and then selecting the opponent. Warhammer Underworlds: Online will dynamically show the hex the attacker is attacking from (unlit), the distance of the attack (using a red arrow) and the hex where the opponent is standing on (highlighted with a glow).
In the example above, Elias Swiftblade is attacking Almeric Eagle-Eye using a Storm Sabre. It has a range of 1 so Elias must be located in a hex next to Almeric to use that weapon. Notice the red arrow showing the attack and the highlighted hex showing the defender.
VERY IMPORTANT! A fighter that makes a Range 1 Attack Action is NOT blocked from making subsequent Attack Actions in the same round!
In this next example. Almeric Eagle-Eye is using a Bolt Pistol. This is a ranged weapon with a range value of 3. Notice this time the red arrow stretches across three hexes in order to reach the opponent. Almeric can remain on his hex and make this Attack Action.
VERY IMPORTANT! A fighter that makes a Range 2 or higher Attack Action is NOT blocked from making subsequent Attack Actions in the same round!
*BEWARE* In the example above Almeric Eagle-Eye is attempting an attack using a Shock Handaxe. This weapon only has a range of 1 and the opponent is too far away. Notice that Warhammer Underworlds: Online dynamically calculates the potential attack showing a red line stretched across two hexes followed by the red arrow. This indicates that in order to make this attack, the fighter will need to move two hexes closer. Because a move is also involved, this turns the Attack Action into a Charge Action. As Charge Actions can only be made by one fighter per round, this would mean Almeric could not make an action until the next round. The Charge Action section of this guide explains further how Charge Actions work.
Some fighters are wizards and can cast spells to attack opponents. Spell Attack Actions can be used the same way as other Attack Actions, with one small extra rule: the casting value.
Each wizard has a level, with the level being shown alongside the wizard symbol. Most wizards are level 1, although some are level 2 or higher, such as Averon Stormsire above.
Spells have a casting value that is represented either by a Channel symbol (a lightening bolt), a Focus symbol (a swirly vortex), or a critical success symbol. The casting value will be denoted by either one or two of these symbols. If a spell requires two symbols to be rolled, you must have a wizard at a level 2 or higher to cast it. Note: some power cards have the ability to increase a skill level.
A spell die’s six faces are as follows: 1x critical, 3x Channel and 2x Focus. Therefore there is an increased probability of rolling Channel symbols when rolling spell dice.
Once an Attack Action has been declared, the attack dice and defence dice are then rolled by the game. The number of attack dice rolled are equal to the Dice characteristic on the fighter card, and the number of defence dice rolled are equal to the target’s Defence characteristic. The symbol on each also matches the faces of the dice that need to be rolled.
In the example above the Boltstorm Pistol needs to roll three attack dice and is looking for Fury symbols (swords) for the roll to be a success.
As attack dice only have only have one face displaying the Fury symbol, a Boltstorm Pistol has a 1 in 6 chance of rolling Fury per die. Similarly an attack using a weapon that has the Smash symbol would result in a 2 in 6 chance of success.
In terms of defence dice, Magore’s Fiends are a good example of the different symbols needed by each fighter to defend successfully. Each fighter rolls one defence dice and while Magore, Zharkus, and Ghartok need Shield symbols to succeed, Riptooth requires a Dodge symbol.
As defence dice only have one face displaying the Shield symbol, Riptooth only has a 1 in 6 chance of rolling a Dodge per die. Conversely the rest of the warband have better defensive skills and have a 2 in 6 chance of rolling a Shield symbol.
The key to great strategy play in Warhammer Underworlds: Online is finding ways to increase the odds for successful rolls. This can be done a number of ways, such as playing gambits or upgrades in the Power Step, but it can also be done with fighter placement, utilising single-support and double-support symbols shown by the following two symbols:
In the above example, Severin rolls a single-support symbol on his defence dice. As Angharad is adjacent to the attacker, the single-support counts as a success!
Whichever fighter has more support has a greater chance of success, either in attack or defence. If one of the fighters has one more supporting fighter than their enemy, rolls of single-support are successes in their attack or defence roll. If one of the fighters has two or more supporting fighters more than their enemy, rolls of single-support and double-support are successes in their attack or defence roll.
Critical rolls are legendary in Warhammer Underworlds: Online and are always successes in attack, defence and spellcasting rolls. Critical successes can dramatically change the outcome of combat. with a lone attacker taking down a formidable hero, or a surrounded fighter blocking every blow!
In the above example. Even though Zharkus rolls a critical symbol on his defence dice, he will still be hit by Severin, because the leader has also rolled a critical and a smash. The criticals cancel each other out and the smash wins the attack!
If an Attack Action is successful, the defender suffers wounds equal to the Damage characteristic of the weapon. Upgrade cards and well-timed Ploys can increase the value of the damage and this is also taken into account.
When wounded a fighter’s wounds tokens will flip over to display a red skull symbol.
If the total wounds inflicted is equal to, or more than the Wounds characteristic on defender’s fighter card then the defender is out of the game and is removed from play.
Whenever an attacker defeats an opponent, the attacker wins 1 Glory Token that is then added to their pile. Depending on which Objective cards are being held in the player’s hand at the time may also result in an increase of Glory Tokens. Great Warhammer Underworlds: Online players will try to score as much Glory as possible when defeating opponents by holding combinations of Objective cards.
Glory can be spent on playing Upgrade cards during the Power Step, which increase their powers and abilities (see Power Step section of this guide). Total Glory also determines who wins a game, and all Glory Tokens, regardless of whether they have been spent on upgrades, will count towards the final tally.
If a target of an Attack Action can be driven back, the attacking player can choose to push the target one hex. This can be in any direction that takes the target further away from the attacker. A fighter is only said to be driven back if they are pushed from the hex they were standing in.
In the example above Ghartok has hit the Harvester and is able to drive the undead warrior backwards on to any of the blue-lit hexes.
If the target of a failed Attack Action could be driven back, but the fighter cannot be pushed (because all of the hexes they could be pushed into are blocked or occupied, or because the edge of the battlefield prevents them being pushed), the target is trapped: the Attack Action is successful instead of failing!
Good Warhammer Underworlds: Online players will take advantage of a fighter that is placed on a hex in a trapped position. This makes it more likely they will succeed on the attack against you, so watch out!
If an Attack Action is noted as having Cleave, defence rolls containing a Shield symbol cannot be successes.
If an Attack Action is noted as having Ensnare, defence rolls containing a Dodge symbol cannot be successes.
If an Attack Action is noted as having Knockback X, where X is a number, when the Attack Action is successful the target can be driven back a number of additional hexes equal to X. Note that the Trapped rule does not apply to Knockback.
If an Attack Action is noted as having Scything, when that Attack Action is made it can target each enemy fighter adjacent to the attacker. This is classed as a superaction so each Attack Action is resolved seperately. If their is a rule that effects the next attack it will only affect the first attack.
A Charge Action is an action that lets you make a Move Action with a fighter, and then make an Attack Action with them. To make a Charge Action, you must follow the rules for a Move and Attack actions.
In Warhammer Underwords: Online Charge Actions are dynamically created whenever you select an Attack Action that has a Range value less than the number of hexes between your fighter and the fighter you are targetting. You may also select which hexes you would like to charge through by waypointing in the same way as you would with a move.
In the example above Riptooth wants to charge Severin with a Ranged 1 attack. The charge is shown as a red line moving through the hexes needed to reach Severin, finishing with a red arrow that shows the attack itself. Notice too the blue dots, which show the waypoints set up by the player prior to the attack.
Once a fighter has made a Charge Action, a Charge Token is placed next to the fighter (shown as a red circle and a red star with a line crossed through them). This then shows all players that the fighter has made a Charge Action during the current Round.
IMPORTANT! Fighters who make a Charge Action during a round cannot be activated again until the next round!
The difference between Charge Actions and Attack Actions is one of the most common misunderstandings by new players in Warhammer Underworlds: Online. Once mastered, knowing when best to make a Move Action, Attack Action or Charge Action, will make all the difference to your potential of winning a match!
Sometimes a Charge Action is referred to as a Superaction. A Superaction is a special kind of action that combines two or more actions in one, and when you activate a fighter to make a superaction it only requires a single activation. Scything is another example of a superaction (see the Attack Action section).
When an Inspire condition is met during a superaction the fighter is not inspired until after that superaction is resolved. Similarly, surge objective cards whose conditions are met during a superaction are scored AFTER that superaction is resolved.
As an activation, a fighter may make a Guard Action. This is performed by selecting your fighter and then clicking on the Guard icon.
When a fighter is placed on Guard, a small Guard Token will appear above the character on the board.
A fighter with a Guard Token is on Guard until the end of the round, unless the player makes a Charge Action with that fighter and then the Guard Token is removed and they are no longer on Guard.
Guard is an important activation when defending a position or protecting a vulnerable fighter as it counts both Shield AND Dodge symbols as successes on defence dice rolls, increasing the probability to defend an attack. In addition, that fighter cannot be driven back when attacked. Especially useful if they are standing near a lethal hex!
Unique Actions are available as an Activation by some fighters in Warhammer Underworlds: Online. These are either directly attached to a fighter as part of their base abilities, or come about when Upgrade Cards are played on friendly fighters.
Unique Actions can be found next to a fighter card when selecting a fighter. The example above shows The Warden’s “Return” Action.
For the purposes of this guide we will list all of the unique actions available to fighters in the game at the time of writing (Feb 2021). This will be updated as more warbands are added to the game.
Move Fighters
The Warden can make Move Actions with two friendly fighters. This does not allow fighters to move twice in a round however.
Place a friendly fighter that was taken out of action on a starting hex in their territory and remove all Wound Tokens.
Place a friendly fighter that was taken out of action (other than Krrk) on a starting hex in their territory and remove all Wound Tokens.
Push Chainraps
Push all freindly chainraps up to two hexes. This fighter may only make this action once per round.
If this spell is cast, the player can re-roll one attack dice each the fighter makes an Attack Action until the end of the round. If cast the fighter cannot make this action again in that round.
Place Blue Horror
This automatic spell summons the Blue Horror fighter, which can be placed on any starting hex on the battlefield, even the opponent’s starting hexes.
Star Falcon
While technically not a Unique Action, this is an Attack Action unique to Sanson that only appears when inspired. Star Falcon is a ranged 4 Attack Action that does 1 damage.
It’s not all attacking and defending! An important part of Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire Edition is making sure you have the strongest set of Power Cards in your hand. As an Activation you have the ability to draw a Power Card from your deck. Remember this uses one of your four Activations in the round, so only choose to do this when you either do not want to activate a fighter or you’re hoping that a specific ploy, spell or upgrade is at the top of your pile!
To draw a new Power Card, simply drag the blue card on the left upwards and release. The card on top of your deck will then enter your hand.
You start Round 1 with five Power Cards in your hand and you are able to draw as many as you like – you could spend the whole match drawing cards if you wished, but that would be silly and you would likely lose the contest.
When designing and building your Power Card deck before a match it’s important to fill it with a range of cards that will be useful for your strategic play style with your chosen warband. Drawing cards mid-battle is a useful way of forcing the deck to “thin out”, increasing the probability that a card you prize will more likely appear – either that or you get lucky and it’s on the top!
You can find out how Power Cards are used in the Power Step section. You can also find out more about the different kinds of Power Cards (ploys, spells and upgrades) in the next Steam guide.
The key to winning Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire Edition is by scoring Glory by taking out opposing fighters, or by scoring Objective Cards. As an Activation you have the ability to discard and draw an Objective Card from your deck. The reason for discarding beforehand is because you may only have three Objective Cards in your hand at any one time.
To discard and draw, simply drag the gold card on the right upwards and release.
You will then be prompted to select an objective, which can be discarded by dragging it to the red “Discard” area. The card on top of your deck will then enter your hand
Making sure you have objectives that can be scored as quickly as possible is a key strategy for good players. Sometimes you may have objectives that either cannot be scored quickly in the current round, or do not fit in with the strategy you are being forced to play in a particular match. By discarding and drawing you increase your chances of getting a card that can potentially score you Glory.
You can find out more about the different kinds of Objective Cards in the next guide.
The most boring Activation in Warhammer Underworlds: Online! If you do not wish to perform any of the above Activations, you can choose to Pass your go and continue immediately to the Power Step.
After each Activation has been resolved both players have the chance to play Power Cards – this is called the Power Step.
To play a Power Card, a player simply reveals the card from their hand they wish to play and follows the directions on the card. In Warhammer Underworlds: Online, the game will automatically set in motion the logic conditions attached to that card. If the card played asks anything of either player, they will be prompted with on-screen messaging. If the card is an upgrade, it will prompt the player to select a friendly fighter to upgrade.
In the above example the card Hidden Paths has been played, allowing a player to take a hidden path from one edge hex to another. The player is prompted to select the blue hexes they wish to move Vol Orrukbane on to.
In the above example the player has played Incredible Strength, an upgrade that adds +1 to a fighter’s damage. The game highlights all eligible fighters who can be upgraded by highlighting them in green.
Each player in turn plays a Power Card, or passes (selecting Pass), starting with the player who took the Activation. Any number of Power Cards can be played after any Activation, but once both players pass in succession, the Power Step ends and the next Activation takes place. Note: the Power Step applies even after the final Activation in the Action Phase – both players must pass before the End Phase begins.
Some Power Cards describe an additional condition that must be met before they can be played. A player can only play these cards when that condition is met. For example, if a card instructs a player to choose two friendly fighters, and there is only one friendly fighter, that card cannot be played.
Power Cards are detailed further in the next Steam guide in this series.
It is important to be aware that your fighters can “inspire”, which makes them more powerful and potentially gives them new abilities.
When the inspire condition on a fighter’s card is met, that fighter becomes Inspired. If a fighter is Inspired as a result of an event in the game, such as an action or a gambit, the fighter becomes Inspired after that event has been resolved. The many fighters in Warhammer Underworlds: Online have a diverse range inspiration conditions and not all fighters in the same faction have the same conditions, so always check the fighter card before play.
In the example above Sanson Farstrider will become Inspired if he finishes an Action Phase an opponent’s territory.
Once Inspired, Sanson Farstrider gets to roll an extra Defence dice when defending attacks from the enemy. He also gains a brand new Attack Action called Star Falcon, a powerful bird companion that can fly across four hexes and has a high probability to make a successful attack.
When a fighter becomes Inspired, they remain that way for the rest of the game, unless in-inspired by a Gambit Card. Irrespective of whether a fighter becomes inspired or is un-inspired, they never lose any upgrades or tokens applied to them.
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